Runnin' of The Green (Island)

  • 15 Mar 2014
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Green Island, NY
  • 26


  • If you are a member of HMRRC, select this option. If you are a member of HMRRC and USATF, select this option as well. If you are a member of USATF only, choose the option below.
  • USATF Member but not an HMRRC Member. Membership in USATF will be verified by USATF prior to race.

Registration is closed



In 2014 we are going 100% GREEN

There will be no paper registrations in 2014. 


The Runnin' of the Green (Island)

Saturday - March 15, 2014

Four Mile Road Race and Kids Fun Runs

Presented by:

Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club

USATF Adirondack Association (ADK)

Village of Green Island


Race Directors: Dave and Letticia Ruderman


10 a.m. Saturday, March 15, 2014

Kids Races Will Follow Main Race at 11:20 AM


Location: American Legion Hall, 35 Cohoes Ave., Green Island, NY (off Tibbits Ave. exit, I 787)

NO DAY OF REGISTRATION. Packet pick up begins at 8:15 a.m. Only Kids race is day of race (up until 11:20)

Entry Fees: Received by 3/8/13 or when capacity is reached:
HMRRC or USATF Member: $20.00
Non Member: $25.00

Kids: Race day only. FREE!!!

Gender specific, wicking t-shirt to ALL registered runners in the main race.

Chronotrack B-tag (Bib) Timing! by Albany Running Exchange Event Productions

Prizes: Overall and top 3 finishers, male/female, in 5 year age groups; top 10 age-graded finishers; team awards to top 3 open/masters, male/female teams (please contact USATF Adirondack Assn., 518-273-5552 for team application)

You must be present to receive award.

This is a USATF ADK championship race and part of the HMRRC and USATF ADK Grand Prix racing series. You must have a USATF 2014 membership in order to be eligible for USATF awards. In accordance with HMRRC and USATF policies, no headphones, iPods, etc. are allowed to be worn during the race.

You will be asked on the application form to acknowledge with your initials that you have read the following Waiver. Please read.

In consideration of accepting this entry, I, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I might have against the HMRRC, the USATF Adirondack Association (ADK), any officials or sponsors of the race, their representatives, assessors, and assigns, for all injuries, illness or property loss suffered by me while competing in or traveling to or from this race. I attest and verify that I am physically fit and have sufficiently trained for completion of this race. As a condition of participation in this race, I agree to run without a headset, ear plugs, iPod, etc. of any kind. REGISTRATION FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.

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